This year( 2012) means that I'm one of the SPM candidates... (ketaq lutut memikirkan ttg tu)
wlau mcm mna pun xpa la.. eemm pas nie kna la kurangkan hobi yg disyangi..
fb, youtube, blog n byk lagi.
24 Dis- 28 Dis 2011- just back from KL-Melaka
spent nights at my uncle's house
went shopping at the mall (SOGO, KLCC, JUSCO and many more) which is Shopping is not my favorite
but I enjoyed it!
However, my eyes started brightens when saw the book shop (Kinokuniya)
that places where the kaki novel x sah kalau x drop by kat situ ^_^
tried to find the novel for my cousin's Ana ---> the title Yes Bos! unfortunately, x jumpa :(
eemm.. masa jln2 kat situ.. terjumpa la pulak novel Ombak Rindu... apa lagi belilah
mmg x rugi bli novel nie.. best giler!

the next day... gi Melaka ntah la jam pulak kat Melaka maybe sbb krismas eeeemm.. fed up btol masa tu!
kat Melaka kitorang gi Zoo Melaka :) best sbb boleh tgk mcm2 haiwan
keluasan kat situ 2.5 km so boleh la nk exercise skit..
mmg x rugi la gi situ... it was a memorable day for me!

that's all... bout my holiday
cheers up!