look at the time it's now already 3.24am..
wake up to help 'mak' finish her work
this morning at school, I was answering for Pendidikan Syariah Islamiah paper test (SPM trial)
not so hard or so easy.. but quite confident to score, amin!
sedar x sdar, it's 76 days left for SPM
I am trembling now.. the more the day run fast the more I get nervous
Ya Allah, please keep me away from idleness
I don't understand why I'm still not serious in studies.. whereas the exam is getting near
Yesterday it was papers of Pendidikan Al-Quran dan As-sunnah
and at that time I was blur as I'm not finish read the text book
consequently, there is a lot of question that I don't know how to answer
at that time, I had imagine how my parents reaction when they get to know my results was bad
A Malay says, sesal dahulu pendapatan sesal kemudian tidak berguna...
Ya Allah, I'll never wanna see my parents being sad because of me..
apa2 pun, nasi da jdi bubur I could not change what had happened and cannot step back
what I have to do is give more focus on the real SPM !
Allah, please help me...
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
Saturday, 4 August 2012
Ramadhan Datang Lagi..
Ahlan Wasahlan ya Ramadhan...
Alhamdulillah ke hadrat ilahi... aku memanjatkan syukur kpdmu ya Allah
bertemu kita di bulan Ramadhan yg mulia ini..
Tahun nie.. aku berazam xmaw tinggal solat terawih.. tp nk buat mcm mna, org prmpuankan ada time of the month! hi3 :)
Sebagai umat Islam.. Jom kita sma2 merebut peluang yg Allah berikan utk mengutip pahala dgn memperbanyakkan solat sunat, dan baca Al- Quran..
Bulan nie merupakan Pesta Ibadah bak kata Anwar Hadi.. he3
Pada bulan nie juga Allah akan menutup pintu neraka dan dibuka pintu syurga seluas-luasnya
Sempena bulan yg mulia nie aku nk minta maaf kpd semua yg aku knal especially mak and ayah..
dan kpd org yg ada trasa dengan aku.. aku minta maaf byk2.. kalau slama nie aku mcm sombong
...sbnarnya xb'maksud pun nk buat mcm tu.. sbnarnya aku sorg yg pendiam and quite shy
actually I love people around me

I think I better stop here, get down to continue my add math exercise as the SPM trial is around the corner (next week)

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